Key Dates

Paper/Poster Submission Deadline

Friday January 24, 2014, 11:59.59 PM (PST)

Author Notification

Friday February 28, 2014

Camera-Ready Papers Due

Friday March 28, 2014


Submit your paper here

Download CFP

TXT Format PDF Format


Previous Conferences

2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005, 2004

General Chair

Pedro Trancoso
University of Cyprus, CY

Program Chairs

Diana Franklin
Sally A. McKee
Chalmers, SE

For more information, visit the website at


The registration for CF 2014 is handled through K.I.T. Dresden.

The registration fees include for all attendees a copy of the proceedings in electronic format, lunches served every day at the hotel, the welcome reception, and the conference banquet. Tickets for lunches and for the conference banquet for accompanying persons can be purchased at the registration desk and paid in cash.

Register here for the conference (encrypted connection, server name is "").

The following rates apply:

    Early Registration (until April 11, 2014)
    • ACM Members / Students: EUR 350
    • Nonmembers: EUR 450

    Late Registration (after April 11, 2014)

    • ACM Members / Students: EUR 420
    • Nonmembers: EUR 520

    Extra page fee for papers: EUR 150.

Students pay the same fee as ACM members, but they will get part of the fee refunded at the conference.

General Terms and Conditions

The successful online registration implies a binding contract between the conference agency K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden and the participant. K.I.T. Group acts on behalf of the conference host. The participant receives an official confirmation of registration and invoice for his bookings and has to pay all conference fees in due time.

The payment can either be conducted by means of bank transfer or by credit card. When conducting a bank transfer any potential bank fees have to be covered by the participant. When registering for the early fee, the payment must be conducted until April 11, 2014. Otherwise the normal fee automatically applies for the registration.

Cancellation of registration

For all cancellations received by April 20, 2014, the paid registration fees will be refunded minus a cancellation fee of 50 % of the bookings. After this date, no refunds will be made for any cancellations, and accordingly the demand for full payment of the registration fees remains.

Any changes of the registration and all cancellations must be communicated to the K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden in writing only (E-mail:

If you have any questions or doubts concerning your registration for the Computing Frontiers 2014 conference please contact:

    CF 2014 Registration Office
    c/o K.I.T. Group GmbH Dresden
    Münzgasse 2
    01067 Dresden, Germany
    Phone: +49 351 / 4823 733
    Fax: +49 351 / 4956 116